William Braden joined us Oct. 17, 2004 just after Alicia finished Physician Assistant school and Bill started Law school at ASU. Kaytlin Hazel came 2 years later on Nov. 4, 2006. Bill graduated from Law school May of 2007 and joined the Air Force in January of 2008. Alicia worked as a Physician Assistant during this time for the Phoenix Fire Department and then in family practice the last year. We moved from Gilbert,AZ to Great Falls, Montana May of 2008 for Bill's first assignment in the Air Force as a JAG attorney. Jacob Brett joined us on July 2, 2008.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here we go

September 18, 2008
Thank you to Karah for helping me with starting our family blog, she's very talented. I especially enjoy reading everyone's blogs now that we're far from home and hopefully you can keep up on us now too.
We are enjoying Montana for the most part, sometimes the weather is a little crazy. September is always a reflective time for me. I always think about what was going on throughout the years as this beautiful fall season begins. Of course, I always think of my brother Brett who passed away Sept. 11 of 1994. I can hardly believe it has been 14 years. He was such a special person and brother. He always was very perceptive and objective. He was never judgemental and saw the best in others. He was a hero to me.
Anyway, we are liking living on the base and military life thus far. It has a few quirks to it, but we like it. Bill has been VERY busy at work. They are really understaffed and so he always has more to do, than he has time to do it in. He doesn't like feeling behind all the time. He just had his first trial 2 weeks ago and it went well, he didn't mess up as he says. Yesterday he got some good news, that another JAG will be coming in November, yeah! That should help out.
As for me, I am adjusting to being home full-time, and it has been an adjustment. I get to go to a lot more church and community functions, and I just finished reading the Twilight series. However, I always thought when I had more time, I would get around to doing all kinds of projects, and be better about cleaning, etc. What I've found however, is that even with more time, my house is still not as clean as I like. At least before I had the excuse of working part-time. I thought I would get my photos out of the archives and get them into scrapbooks, and yet still they sit, either in boxes or on my hard drive, yet to make it to a scrapbook.
I have at least started to do a few things, I always planned on doing. I am making homemade bread! I knew it was in my genetic make-up, and I am finally tapping into it. It is not as pretty as mom's, but it still tastes so good, so much better than store bought bread. Bill and the kids love it, as do I. This is part of why my weight has plateaued, I don't normally eat this much bread. I'm grinding the wheat and everything. It is fun. I even make cinnamon biscuits. I always took mom's bread and biscuits for granted, they are a lot of work!!! Anyone who eats them, should savor each bite, you can't fully appreciate mom's hard work until you make them yourself. Thanks mom for all those years of delicious food. Bill and I bottled some peaches this week as well. We are working on increasing our food storage.
I will be starting a new church assignment next week as the Activity day leader. It is twice a month. I will be working with 8-11 year-old girls. We will be doing activities to help them develop talents and skills in various categories both spiritual and physical. It should be fun. Please feel free to send any ideas you might have for them.
We had a woman's activity at church this week about service, and I was very touched. I hope I can teach my kids how to love to serve others. Some of my best memories are those of service. What a great example mom and dad have been to me. My in-laws are serving a humanitarian mission right now in India, and that has been really inspiring. It helps me appreciate what we have here in the United States. We are truly blessed, and it is our responsibility to help those in need.


Bill and Karen LaDuke said...

What a great blog. Now teach us how to get the pix where you want them and next to the captions. My pix and text move all over the place on their own and if I try to move them, they disappear entirely. Anyway, did enjoy all your pix and text. Maybe you could teach us all how to make bread too. I made it when the kids were young but haven't tried for years.You'll do great in your calling. Glad Bill is getting some help soon. Dad says he worries too much--like me. The kids are so cute! Love you guys, Mom & Dad, Bill and Karen, Grandma and Papa

Powers Family said...

Yeah!! I am so excited you guys have a blog now!!I still haven't forgiven you for moving, but this will help. When we come, Alicia, you will have to teach me how to make the bread. It is NOT in my genetic make-up, but I've always wanted to. The kids are so cute...Kaytlin looks so grown up!! She's a mini-Alicia! I'm happy Billy is getting help too. That will be nice for all of you. We can't wait to see you guys...Gage is BEYOND excited.

P.S. I'm glad to see that Braden enjoys the nude peeing outside too! Maybe that's a LaDuke gene thing!!

Bill and Karen LaDuke said...

What do you mean a LaDuke thing? I don't remember our boys doing that or am I just too old to remember?
Love, Mom

Alicia LaDuke said...

Mom LaDuke, I'm still learning how to blog myself. My niece Karah set up a lot of it. I hope I can figure it out. I kept trying to edit a few errors, and it was a nightmare. I got most of them, but some are still there. I gave up trying to fix them because it would go back to my original with no corrections at all.
Betina, we'll make some bread when you come. We are very excited for you guys to come as well!

Julie said...

Oh, I love this. I just laughed out loud and woke up Ryan! (Because it's 11pm and that's when I have time to do this stuff!) What cuties you have. Love Braden and the marker and all the peeing! What is it with little boys?

Curtis Chicks said...

So glad I found your blog and we can keep up with each others families. I remember the tomboy Alicia from school and I just cannot IMAGINE you baking bread! LOL

Crazy how we all grow up and how much we change and evolve.

love it!

Brady & Jessica said...

Bill and Sheesha, I love your blog! What good looking kids! And the parents aren't too shabby either! I redid my blog so go check it out. We got my mom rolling on hers, Ty's is in progress and Miss will probably do one as well. Hope all is well. Jess Love you guys!