William Braden joined us Oct. 17, 2004 just after Alicia finished Physician Assistant school and Bill started Law school at ASU. Kaytlin Hazel came 2 years later on Nov. 4, 2006. Bill graduated from Law school May of 2007 and joined the Air Force in January of 2008. Alicia worked as a Physician Assistant during this time for the Phoenix Fire Department and then in family practice the last year. We moved from Gilbert,AZ to Great Falls, Montana May of 2008 for Bill's first assignment in the Air Force as a JAG attorney. Jacob Brett joined us on July 2, 2008.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Batman Attacked" "Staticwoman Survives Food?"

September 30, 2008
So here are a few new pictures, which don't look all that different from some previous pictures. Again, Braden is in some outfit. He got a fancy batsuit from a friend at Church who's son had outgrown it. He has been wearing it for 4 days almost straight. He takes it on, takes it off, about 10 or more times a day. One night, Bill let him go to sleep in it. I made Bill take off at least the mask and cape in the middle of the night when I worried about him choking or something. I also have a picture in here of Braden's first day of pre-school. Thankfully, a friend of mine is a good responsible mom and had her camera there for the occasion.

Last week on Thursday, Bill was home with the kids during lunch and I got a frantic call that Braden had been bitten by a squirrel. There are a lot of squirrels around here, and the one that seems to live in our tree is very friendly or so it seems. He looks so cute when he comes up to you. Apparently, he is for looking at only. I'm still not sure what went down; I don't think he actually bit Braden, but his arm was scratched rather impressively. Braden really was mortified and Bill was ready to take him to the doctor for rabies treatment. Later after Braden calmed down (after all it was merely a flesh wound) he asked if we could run the squirrel over with the car. I tried to explain that that wasn't very nice, but he insisted, the squirrel needed to die. He is over it now I guess, and I haven't seen the squirrel since. Lucky for the squirrel:)

Last night, we decided to go fishing. As you can see from the picture, we were successful. There is pond on base. It was fun. I rode my bike over to it, about 7 miles I think, and Bill brought the kids over. Braden had his batsuit on of course. It really came in handy as he drug the cape through the water and tripped on it and fell on the rocks. He also was riding his scooter with his batsuit on and his cape got caught up under his scooter wheels. I agree with the little lady on the film Incredibles, "No capes!" Anyway, he caught a crayfish and was very amused by that and then cried and cried when it got away. I have to confess now, that the fish in the picture wasn't one we caught, but rather a nice guy next to us caught it and offered to show it to the kids before he threw it back in. The fish died when I tried to remove two hooks out of its mouth so we got to bring it home. So really we only caught some crayfish. We had fun nonetheless.

Kaytlin had a blast fishing, she especially liked holding the worm and cried and cried when she dropped it and couldn't find it. She consoled herself by eating power bait. Yes, disgusting. I thought she might try for the worm, but she refrained. I think she decided she liked holding it too much. For such a picky eater, or at least liking the sweets so much, lately she is really grossing me out. Yesterday, besides the power bait, she was licking the lotion off her hands and kept asking for more. Then, today at story time, she was eating the glue stick. I don't know why she finds vegetables disagreeable when she'll eat that stuff.

Jacob is doing great, he's getting too big too fast. He is really smiling a lot. His brother and sister adore him and he's starting to respond to them. It is so cute.

I had an interview last week for a job and got a call yesterday offering it to me. I'm going to take it. I'm very excited, it is perfect. I am going to be working at a Family Practice in Great Falls. For now I am just going to work 4 hours a week. It is really hard to find a job that will allow you to work such short hours. Most clinics prefer full-time or at least 20 hours a week. I'm so grateful it worked out here. I may increase my hours down the road to two afternoon's or a 6 hour day perhaps. But for now, they are willing to let me just work 4 hours. I'm so lucky and feel blessed. I kept feeling like the right opportunity would come along that worked for our family.

Bill is still extremely busy. His second trial was supposed to have been this week but the guy went AWOL, so that hasn't happened yet. He watched the kids the other night when I went to a Church Women's Broadcast, and when I got home he was pretty exasperated and wondered how I did it everyday. I reminded him, he used to be the one home the most. I guess he has lost the tolerance he had built up.

Well that's all for now. We are looking forward to my mom and dad visiting us Oct. 10-23, and then in November sometime Rob and Betina and gang are coming. We can't wait for all our visitors.


LaDuke Family said...

The blog is great. I love the theme and characterization. I'm glad to hear that batman survived the squirrel attack. I don't think I've ever heard of a squirrel attack before. It sounds like you guys get out a lot: bike rides, camping expeditions, and fishing. Makes me think I should be better about that. Keep on blogging, we enjoy reading about it (Cameron).

Powers Family said...

That was great! I laughed out loud about Braden asking you guys to run over the squirrel. He is such a hoot. Congratulations on the job - that is perfect. You guys are doing such fun things with your kids - very impressive. It makes us miss you guys even more.

LaDuke Family said...

I just figured out you posted a new entry. I check every day but was not scrolling down far enough. Sorry. Braden is funny. I bet when he is a teenager he wont slow down if a squirrel is in the road. kaytlin sounds like callie with food. Anything gross will go into her mouth, but not veggies. Wish I could meet Jacob. Will you be in AZ for Christmas? Addie

Curtis, Crystal, Vance, Kael, and Merek Birdno said...

I found your blog on Leslies and I was so excited to see you. Your family is adorable. Alethia and I were talking about how amazing you were just a few weeks ago in Oklahoma and I was wondering what you were up to. Oh my husband Curtis is in his last year of PA school here in Iowa. Do you like being a PA? Well just thought I would say hi.

Bill and Karen LaDuke said...

I thought we already published on here but we're missing. We enjoy seeing the pix so much and reading the commentary. Keep it up. The kids are darling.