William Braden joined us Oct. 17, 2004 just after Alicia finished Physician Assistant school and Bill started Law school at ASU. Kaytlin Hazel came 2 years later on Nov. 4, 2006. Bill graduated from Law school May of 2007 and joined the Air Force in January of 2008. Alicia worked as a Physician Assistant during this time for the Phoenix Fire Department and then in family practice the last year. We moved from Gilbert,AZ to Great Falls, Montana May of 2008 for Bill's first assignment in the Air Force as a JAG attorney. Jacob Brett joined us on July 2, 2008.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Kaytlin!!

Our sweet Kaytlin Hazel turned two on November 4, 2008. She got a little kitchen set and some accessories. She is having fun playing with it. She had her two year appointment yesterday and was
weight: 25.4 lbs (30th %ile)
height: 32.9 inches (25th %ile)
head: 49 cm (85th %ile)
Kaytlin loves to play with her big brother and give kisses to her little brother. She loves her stuffed animals. She is a pleasant natured little girl most of the time. Yesterday she was not so pleasant as we waited for Jacob to get his shots. I should know not to schedule anything during her nap time. She was pretty grumpy and let everyone know it. However, as long as she is well rested and fed, she's one happy camper. Of course Braden does his best to get a reaction out of her all day, and he is successful a fair amount of the time. We are working on getting rid of her binkie use. I leave it in her crib when she wakes up from her nap and in the morning. She has become very sneaky though and somehow finds a way to get it; pulling on her blanket to bring it into reach. She's resourceful that one. She finds binkies I didn't even know we still had. We love you Kaytlin!!


Bill and Karen LaDuke said...

What a darling! Can't wait to see her (and all the rest) again. We're going to completely miss this second year. Keep the pix coming!

LaDuke Family said...

Happy Birthday Kaytlin! What a cutie. We did the binkie fairy. It was a clean break at about 20 months for Callie. Only one week of missing it. She had binkie fairly loot to remind her that all the binkies went to the fairy.

Powers Family said...

She's so cute! She always has been happy. I remember when you'd bring her over and she would just entertain herself happily with no problems ever. We are going to have a time with Bella and the binky too. With Gage, we took him to Toys 'R Us and he picked out one toy that he had to pay for with all his binkies. We just winked at the cashier lady and I had to whisper to her to just toss them. Then for the first few days after we just had to gently remind him what happened to his binkies. Worked like a charm. Addie's idea sounds good too and very similar.