William Braden joined us Oct. 17, 2004 just after Alicia finished Physician Assistant school and Bill started Law school at ASU. Kaytlin Hazel came 2 years later on Nov. 4, 2006. Bill graduated from Law school May of 2007 and joined the Air Force in January of 2008. Alicia worked as a Physician Assistant during this time for the Phoenix Fire Department and then in family practice the last year. We moved from Gilbert,AZ to Great Falls, Montana May of 2008 for Bill's first assignment in the Air Force as a JAG attorney. Jacob Brett joined us on July 2, 2008.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Pre-school Holiday Party

I'm a little annoyed that Braden's pre-school taught him songs like, "We Wish you a Happy Holiday", and "The Twelve Days of Winter." Now when we try to sing the regular Christian versions, he thinks we're singing the wrong words. I wish they would just have them sing secular songs instead of re-writing Christmas songs. Anyway, Braden for weeks has been going around the house singing Jingle Bell Rock, but apparently all the parents with their video cameras proved to be too much for the little ones and stage fright set in as they stood there in almost silence as the teachers exaggerated the movements and sang louder trying to encourage the kids to participate. Kaytlin and Braden enjoyed decorating cookies and drinking apple cider and making ornaments. I told Bill, maybe we'll have to send our kids to a private Christian school where they can say Christmas. His response was home school. Yikes, I don't know if I'm cut out for that. He thought he might be though. That sounded good to me. I guess we'll move on our 10 acres and have a farm and teach our kids at home and have a CHRISTMAS party.


Juanita said...

Can I come live on your ten acres with you and have my kids go to your home school and sing about Christmas and you can teach me how to make super cute stockings? This would work out perfectly for me... :-)

Powers Family said...

I'm with Juanita! Can we come too?? We could turn it into a compound!!

That's really sad that they are taking the Christmas part out of the whole holiday. It doesn't make sense to me to punish a whole bunch of people for a select few.

Lisa said...

Alicia, I'm glad you found our blog. It has been starting one just to find friends and people that I havent seen or talked to in years.
You look great and your family is beautiful. It sounds like you guys are very busy! Will you eventually move back to AZ?