William Braden joined us Oct. 17, 2004 just after Alicia finished Physician Assistant school and Bill started Law school at ASU. Kaytlin Hazel came 2 years later on Nov. 4, 2006. Bill graduated from Law school May of 2007 and joined the Air Force in January of 2008. Alicia worked as a Physician Assistant during this time for the Phoenix Fire Department and then in family practice the last year. We moved from Gilbert,AZ to Great Falls, Montana May of 2008 for Bill's first assignment in the Air Force as a JAG attorney. Jacob Brett joined us on July 2, 2008.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Catch up--a little of this and a little of that.

As usual, I'm way behind on posting anything. In an effort to catch up a little, I'm posting several unrelated events and pictures in one very long post:) We are going home to AZ in 2 days, and we are so excited to see family and enjoy some nice weather.

Jacob just had his 6-month well child check. He's a big boy coming in at
weight: 17 lbs 15 oz 90%ile
height: 27.4 inches 90%ile
head: 45 cm 97%ile
He's sitting up all by himself now. He has cute little dimples. No teeth yet. He loves to jump in his bouncer. He is a smiley little guy and loves to laugh at is big brother and sister. Still not sleeping through the night. He gets very upset when he wants his bottle. There's no in between for this guy, he's either happy or screaming his head off. We started solids and he's taking to them like a champ.

Here are some pictures of the kids, and no, they are not tap dancing, they are actually practicing their Kung Fu moves as inspired by the movie Kung Fu Panda. Notice Kaytlin's outfit. She has 4 swimsuits on. She loves them and carries them around, and when she wants to wear them, she wants to wear all of them. Notice her sweet bed head.

Kaytlin in one of her many outfits, dang cute! She loves her white sunday shoes and insists on wearing them everyday!

We noticed Braden's right eye crossing in November and took him to the optometrist and discovered he is far-sighted. He just got these glasses a few weeks ago--he picked out Spider-Man of course. He is very good about wearing them and takes it very seriously. Hopefully, this will correct the eye turning in. He looks very handsome.

Bill had Monday off and it was actually decent weather so we took our bikes down to the river and rode them to a little pond for the kids to try fishing. Braden has been practicing his casting since he got his new rod for Christmas. We didn't have any luck and I wrecked on my bike again. Nothing says skill and athleticism as much as falling off your bike at a complete stop. I can't seem to get my foot out of the clip-ons very well yet. There were several people (mostly 10 year-old boys) there to witness the graceful event, and I was embarrassed. The weather is back down into the negatives, so I think I will have time to recover my pride and practice clipping out before my next outing:)


Rookie Blog said...

Love the snot picture. I should do that with Lex. I'm sure she would appreciate that one day. Have so much fun in Arizona.

Bill and Karen LaDuke said...

Jacob looks so much like Braden in the first picture. Cute--all of them. Wish we could be there during your visit. Hope the weather is OK in Snowflake. Not its best time of year either. Best wishes for a great time and safe return!

Lisa said...

Do you have a road bike? And are you in to cycling? I got into it this last year and have enjoyed it. The first time with my clip in pedals I fell over in our driveway into a bush and broke off a few limbs which left me with a nice scar on my back. I've gotten used to them now.

Powers Family said...

I can't get over how much Jacob looks like Braden!! It seems that your kids like to dress-up - whether it's swimsuits or costumes...so cute! We love Braden's glasses - he looks handsome and smart. It's funny to see Kaytlin in a swimsuit when it's probably -10 outside! She's an Arizona girl at heart.

LaDuke Family said...

Started chuckling out loud when I read about Kaytlin's swimsuits. I have to agree with everyone else, Jacob looks like Brayden. Looking forward to seeing you guys.


LaDuke Family said...

Whoops, I meant Braden (not Brayden).

Becky said...

Wow, Jacob is a big kid! Those were just about Tyler's stats at his 9 month apt. (He's a runt--poor kid apparently got too many of my genes). The family bike ride looked fun. I am impressed you like to ride. After so many times doing bike workouts for track when I had stress fractures on my shins, I still can't get myself to "enjoy" biking. Maybe someday. Thanks for the info on the books. I haven't had a chance to check it out yet because I've had too much going on, but I am going to. I am excited for the world of books again. Now I just need to relax my reading rules a little--I have so many I never get time to read! :)

Tiffany Unsworth said...

Your blog made me laugh so hard! Your family is so darn cute, and I love the Justice League song!

Brady & Jessica said...

Hey guys! I am finally FREE and have a little FREE TIME! I loved catching up on your blog. I got Brady P90X for Christmas too. He claims he did it while I was in the valley with the kids but he hasn't touched it since I've been home. I love Bill's before picture. We took some of Brady when we got the Bow Flex a few years ago... Still waiting on the AFTER shots! I am working on updating my blog so you'll have to check it out in the next couple of days when you have some time. Love and miss you, Jess